Doctor reacts to an amazing pimple extraction! #pimplepop #skinextraction #satisfying #dermreacts
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Dr. Sandra Lee, aka Dr. Pimple Popper, explains how common skin tags are and shares a video of her removing a large one from the back of a man’s knee. Watch to see her quickly remove a skin tag live on the show.
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One invaluable tool to use when removing skin tags is simple tea tree oil. Remove skin tags with tea tree oil with help from a naturopathic doctor in this free video clip.
Expert: Stacy Mobley
Bio: Dr. Stacy Mobley NMD, MPH is a Naturopathic Doctor who works with clients in person and virtually all over the world.
Filmmaker: William Watters
Series Description: There are many health-related issues that can be cured through the careful use of the right types of natural and home remedies. Find out how to use home and natural remedies in various health care applications with help from a naturopathic doctor in this free video series.
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